WARNING: This section will have MAJOR SPOILERS for the 18+ sci-fi romance novel Adastra. They have been tagged as such, and will be blocked until you hover over said spoiler. However, if you would like to not get spoiled whatsoever, please click here to go to the next section.

after the whole debaucle with The Smoke Room last week, i decided to put it on hold while i wait for Nik's route (the route i'm currently on) to be completed. in the meantime, i decided to pick up Interea since I really enjoyed reading through Adastra (really good visual novel btwww anyone reading this should go read that). i started reading through it and i thought that it started off really well! it's not as grandiose as Adastra, which isn't a problem to me since i knew it was just gonna take place between the time you get revived by the Parents and when you leave Adastra to go back to Earth. but i thought that the characters they introduced were neat and they premise of having to give speeches at 3 seperate cities of Adastra was really neat. it got really good after i got to Lux, but then, it just ended. a text box containing "To be continued..." just appears. i knew it wasn't finished, but i would've thought that there would be MORE done than just... that (i want to reiterate that im not disappointed at the devs about not working on the game fast enough, that would be ludicrous). i then checked that there hasn't been an update for the game since 2022, and even worse, Khemia, the sequel to Adastra, hasn't been updated since the first build that came out in 2020. i have started playing Higurashi in the meantime since i've heard good things about it from my friend, but it hasn't hit as much as echo project just yet. i really hope these projects weren't abandoned, because i really like where they were going in Interea and I really hope they expand upon it and Khemia at some point in the future, however close that time may be.


For a while I was safe. I know my I make myself very openly a furry, but surprisingly enough, YouTube was never really a place I used to get furry content. I mean, maybe occasionally when I find a video that peaks my morbid curiosity, but overall it actually contains some of the most normal recommendations out of any of the social media platforms I've used. That is until... idk like... 3 days ago? I just noticed that it started recommending me a lot of videos from either Japanese music artists or no-name channels who just so happen to be furries. Not that I'm complaining though, some of this shit slaps! Like, I was recommended this song called I WANNA BE A KEMONO! by Chogakuse and I really enjoyed how it captured the essence of being a furry in a really upbeat and happy tone, it's very much an earworm. Not only that, but I also found this neat cover of Kyu-Kururin by mollow mollow with a very neat change in the music video. I ended up listening to the original and thought both were really good pieces, really like the theme of being too tired/uninspired/depressed to do anything and how that affects your perspective on other people or things you enjoy. Other than songs though, it's been really liking to give me channel trailers to channels that just started, which I think is good to see. A lot of them didn't really seem all that interesting to me but that's okay. I hope they find their target audience and make stuff they enjoy anyhow!


Decided to give the home menu a slight layout change with columns instead of having recent blog posts stay below the main content on the index page. I have also added a little backlog page so that anyone can see what I'm currently planning playing through, watching, or listening to. It's really more just for me so that I can keep track of stuff I still need to play, but I think it's also neat for other people to see what I'm interested in to get more of a gist of what I'm like, and/or gives an idea of what they would wanna recommend to me, if thats what peeps wanna do.


This week has definitely been the busiest I've been all semester and it has BARELY been a month. My computer programming classes were fine and what not, but I got hit with a lot of work in a short amount of time. Got hit with a 2 page essay with a 5 hour window to complete, had to finish reading one of the longest chapters in an Art book, completely forgot to do Chemistry homework and all kinds of other stuff I've lowkey already probably forgotten about. It's really effected my personal schedule as it barely gave me anytime to do any personal projects (especially so for this blog). Hopefully though I should be better off this week now that I've gotten my workload (mostly) under control. I actually have an essay assignment for Art that I'm particularly excited about (a writing assignment being fun? unheard of.). I have to write about a piece of artwork that has impacted me personally. I only have to write 250 words about it, which isn't insane, but I am not worried about word count. My ass is writing about ECHO PROJECT BAY-BEEEEEEEE! In particular, I'm doing this CG that I believe appears before route-split.

A CG of Chase Hunter underwater from niche indie visual novel Echo

I would write about the actual game, but I have to write about the piece using gross artsy words like "line" and "texture". BOOOOOORIIIIIING!!!


This weeks been pretty empty to be honest, not a lot of interesting stuff happened this week. Hopefully I wrote something worthwhile though. Thanks for reading, and be sure to tune in next time!